Tuesday, June 13, 2006

More RIAA crap and tire thumpers

USAtoday had an article where it stated,

"The RIAA has sued just over 18,000 individuals for sharing songs online, with 4,500 settling for about $4,000 per case."

My math says that 13,500 did not pay anything. Why? Also this adds up to about $18,000,000 of extortion from grandma.

If I was to be sued I am certain that I would go to court with a tire thumper taped to my lower leg with velcro as it would get past a metal detector. Then I would thump a few heads with it since I could not afford this nation's legal system. A person gets as much justice as they can afford or can fight for. In this case I would have to settle for a few knots on the pate.

A trucker uses a small baseball bat made of hickory to check if he or she has a flat tire by thumping the tire with the bat. The bat is called a tire thumper. Very effective. Very painful.


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