Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Wetback, dryback, wetback...

OK, I admit to being prejudiced against wetbacks. I live in Corpus Christi, Texas, where there is a sizeable population of them.

I am a Vietnam-era veteran and a life member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW). I did my time in service for this country in its hour of need.

Just how many of these 'Guest workers' will fight to defend our country? They should be required to register for the draft if they want to work in this country. If they are cowards and unwilling to defend our country then what right do they have to enjoy the fruits of labor here? Why should I defend this country for them? And if there is a draft then perhaps they should be first in line to be drafted.

So they are wetbacks to get here, drybacks while they work here and wetbacks again when they flee like cowards to go back home.

I am a life member of the National Rifle Association, have a Concealed Carry Permit (my blog is a pseudonym), armed to the teeth and willing to do whatever is necessary to defend my country against all enemies foreign and domestic. If this country is attacked the next sound will be splashes as the guest workers go back home. Good riddance as we should have prevented their entry if they are unwilling to be drafted to defend our country.


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