Monday, September 18, 2006

Muslims upset over the Pope's quote about Muslim violence and evil

and are trying to frighten the West into never saying anything bad about their religion. They are using fear, intimidation and violence to achieve this. Cannot anyone see what is wrong with this and speak out about it? Ah, fear.

We should believe that all Muslims are peace-loving or they will kill us? Huh? Kill me for saying that their religion is a violent one? They kill kids, defenseless nuns, women and men. Don't they have a life other than killing? Can't they create anything like art, music, more mathematics and so on?

Muslim actions speak louder than their words about violence and the Prophet Muhammad. If Muhammad preached non-violence then why are so many Muslims killing in the name of the Prophet Muhammad?

Would the Prophet Muhammad approve and sanction the beating to death a woman who was a nun in the Catholic Church? Then why did the Muslims do this atrocity and others in his name?


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