The phishing attack crap and filled-in form is above above.
If you post a resume you could get phished. I used Linux, Thunderbird and Konqueror to have some fun. I filled in the blanks with crap. I believe it is fairly safe to do so.
The original email message:
ensure0your4identity1and8your9account0security.8Please9(click here) to8
Their online form is better each time they do this. Unfortunately for them they are not accustomed to American language usage. Note the lack of possessive for MOTHER; it should be MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME. Note the password sent in clear as part of the URL in the URL address bar. I entered die_asshole_die as the user and killPHISH as the password. Look at their crappy grammar in the email message. What idiots. I removed the web page that I was directed to via the click here link.
I like to use the number 6 frequently as it is part of the number of the beast in the bible even though I am not a Christian.
Profanity gets the point across. It is a powerful exclamation point.
Too bad I cannot have the opportunity to unload my .45, 12 ga or something similar in their specific direction (not general direction). I need some target practice. I prefer moving targets as it is more of a challenge.
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