Saturday, April 15, 2006

Bible-thumpin' at my front door...

Today is Saturday and the day that Mormon and 7th Day Adventist send their people out to spread the word of their religion.

Knock, knock (actually ring, ring). I had seen two old men with white shirts and black pants walking down the street knocking at each door. I knew that I would receive a visit. So I was prepared...

...when they arrived to offer to preach to them about my religion. I told them that it was only fair. They wanted to stay on the topic of Lord Jehovah. They did not want to hear about my religious leader: Paramahansa Yogananda. So they left.

I am not with the Self-Realization Fellowship but with Swami Kriyananda in Grass Valley, California. He has his problems with women and sex but at least it is not young boys that he is having an affair with like the Catholic priests have.

I don't like bible-thumpers as I have learned that the bible that they are quoting from is a piece of crap. I have seen where mortal man wrote it, edited it, and twisted it.

I don't like the two new Supreme Court justices but I would rather keep my right to keep and bear arms. A lesser evil is the religous crap that will happen now.

I will NOT pray in school, in public places, in government, to the Christian gods. Perhaps they should pray to my gods...


Blogger Danny Haszard said...

Good post.

Fanatics,don't proselytize they metastasize

Jehovah's Witnesses door to door recruitment is by their own admission an ineffective tactic.

They have lost membership in all countries with major internet access because their false doctrines and harmful practices are exposed on the modern information superhighway.

Poet and writer Mark Twain say's: "if a million people believe in a stupid thing for a hundred years,it's STILL a stupid thing".

The stats out there suggest that your risk of being inducted into a destructive cult are twice the statistical risk of contracting chicken pox.
Jehovah's Witnesses don't proselytize they metastasize.

Are they knocking at your door?-Danny Haszard

3:02 AM  
Blogger Vardhan said...

I'm staying in Hyderabad,India,
presently. Two young christian
lads had came from the US to my doorsteps as well to educate me on chrtianity.

They politely invited me to their church and i did go there on the comming Sunday.

They were polite folks who
gave me a copy of bible which i
read from start to end.

The father in the church appeard to be a nice man as well. He was a westerner and was trying to explain some verse from the coronithans.

He randomy opened a page and started explaining. On that day the chosen line was "Be Sill ,so that you shall
listen to the holy ghost". And the father kept saying jesus is saying to be still , so let us be still. Let us be always calm and not gets instigated by worldly affairs".

But the realised masters ( like Paramhansa yogananda ) interpret the same line as :

"Meditate , and stop the continuous flow of thought so that you can develop your power of intution (the
holy ghost) and recieve guidance from it".

Now there is huge difference in
both ways of teachings.In one,the person is preaching and in other they are telling you to work upon yoursef systematically and experience the effects yourself.

I do not have contempt for anyone.
Paramhansa Yoganandaji said
"Those who say they know, dont know.
Those who say they dont know , actually dont know. Those who know
don't say at all".

I emphasize with you.

9:36 AM  

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