religion, politics, law and stupidity

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

More RIAA crap and tire thumpers

USAtoday had an article where it stated,

"The RIAA has sued just over 18,000 individuals for sharing songs online, with 4,500 settling for about $4,000 per case."

My math says that 13,500 did not pay anything. Why? Also this adds up to about $18,000,000 of extortion from grandma.

If I was to be sued I am certain that I would go to court with a tire thumper taped to my lower leg with velcro as it would get past a metal detector. Then I would thump a few heads with it since I could not afford this nation's legal system. A person gets as much justice as they can afford or can fight for. In this case I would have to settle for a few knots on the pate.

A trucker uses a small baseball bat made of hickory to check if he or she has a flat tire by thumping the tire with the bat. The bat is called a tire thumper. Very effective. Very painful.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

It is about time the Muslims realize that they had better take sides otherwise all hell will break loose.

TORONTO, Ontario (AP) -- Terror suspects arrested in an alleged plot to attack Canadian targets had turned their attention to exploding truck bombs in the heart of Toronto's financial district, including at the Toronto Stock Exchange, according to a news report Thursday.

CNN. Islamic leaders on Thursday called on government and law enforcement officials in the nation's capital to attend a summit by the end of the month and look at ways to work with them on extremist views among the young people in the country's 750,000-strong Muslim community.

"Terrorism is a complete contradiction with the teachings of Islam," Karl Nickner, director of the Canadian Council on American-Islamic Relations, told a news conference in Ottawa. "It's a global problem and Canadian Muslims will never stop denouncing this ideology of terrorists."

Al-Zarqawi Dead

We finally got the son of a bitch. CNN has the story.

If i would have had the SOB in my gun sights then he would be dead, dead, dead. I am a pretty good shot with a rifle--notthe best but I have killed my share of deer, etc. Vermin like coytes as well. Shooting the SOB would be like shooting vermin.

'nuff said. Congrats to intelligence and our Armed Forces. Good shooting to the F16 pilot.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

MPAA strikes again...

The MPAA has sued for allowing people to share movies, etc. Why doesn't the MPAA offer reasonably priced movies and other content?

I personally don't buy or watch many movies or purchase CDs. I have all the music that I want and a book is more enjoyable entertainment. Plus I have the internet to entertain me.

I know that if the MPAA ever sued me I would kick the crap out of their management one way or the other.

Let me tell you the story of the small city (Mount Shasta, CA) cop who liked to beat the crap out of drunks on the way to the jail from the bars across the street. He was a bully, pure and simple. Someone took a shot at him one night with a hunting rifle. The bullet passed through the back, then the front windshield, just above the steering column. The cop said that he was doing paperwork using the seat as a table; my guess he was sleeping. Needless to say he quit beating up on the drunks. Sometimes a warning shot is the only tool we can afford.

Illegal but effective. I know that if I was dying of cancer then I would consider taking a few bastards and bitches with me. Perhaps that is what Hilliary Clinton, Kerry, Feinstein and others are worried about and why they want to disarm us. To quote Lazarus Long, "My status in hell will be determined by the honor guard that I take with me."

BTW I am a life member of the NRA, a life member of the VFW, and have a concealed carry permit. I can kill coyotes at 400 meters with my 30.06 and accelerators, a .223 bullet with sabot immune to ballistics tests. I don't advocate violence as a rule but do not rule it out. I will give up my guns when they pry my cold, dead fingers from around it. Period.