religion, politics, law and stupidity

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Don't pirate software, use open source

Jakarta may have an answer to piracy here.

"Open source seen as piracy cure

JAKARTA: Since the level of software piracy in Indonesia remains the third highest in the world after Ukraine and China, a senior official says the country should "go open source".

Sofyan Djalil, the minister of communication and information, said the widespread use of open source software is the best way to stop piracy. Open source licensing allows users to share and modify programs without violating copyright laws.

He told House of Representatives lawmakers in a hearing Monday night that Indonesia was in the process of developing a program called Indonesia Goes Open Source (IGOS).

If successful, he said, IGOS would allow Indonesia to save money and reduce its dependence on foreign computer technology. -- JP


Amen to that.

Microsoft may have to rethink their position as many of these people cannot afford its software. You cannot be sued for using open source software.

Monday, September 25, 2006

'Jihad' auto dealer ad upsets U.S. Muslims

I have to laugh at these Muslims crying, posturing and bitching about this ad.

Mitsubishi asked the car dealer to not run the ads. He agreed.

"The radio advertisement for the Dennis Mitsubishi car dealership in Columbus, Ohio, has "a whole jihad theme," said Adnan Mirza, director of the Columbus office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations."

"Mirza said the Council on American-Islamic Relations would likely contact the dealer to "offer some kind of cultural or sensitivity awareness training.""

Damn it, the Muslims are the ones who need cultural and sensitivity training as well as learning how to get along with each other. You are not going to get respect by shooting or blowing up those who do not agree with you and your gods.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said Tuesday that Congress should require Internet providers to preserve customer records, asserting that prosecutors need them to fight child pornography.

Details here.

I say bullshit. The Feds want all information that they can get and it is not limited to child porn. Banking records. Political unrest. People angry with the government. They want it all.

Don't be intimidated or fooled: Child porn is just an excuse that no one can object to. These are my civil liberties we are talking about and the government has no right to gather or cause to be gathered information about me unless I have done something wrong. The Feds will have access to all our internet information. This also includes our emails. In my opinion the Feds want a continous wiretap on our emails and internet usage without a search warrant.

Australia Catholics get it right about Muslim religion

here. They said:

"The head of Australia's 5.1 million-strong Catholic Church went as far as to say that violent reaction "justified one of Pope Benedict's main fears" about Islam."

I echo that.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Here's the Pope's quote about Muhammad:

14th century Byzantine Emperor: "Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."

Every person killed or maimed by a Muslim in the name of Muhammad supports this statement. You cannot claim to be peaceful and non-evil while blowing someone up, shooting them in the back, and other evil deeds.

Nun killed, Muslims suspected as a response to Pope's implied criticism of Prophet Muhammad

CNN. The nun was shot in the back three times. The assholes could not even look her in the eye as they shot her. Real brave assholes.

Would the Prophet Muhammad approve of this murder and violence? Then the Prophet Muhammad is violence personified, isn't he? Violence and murder is being done in his name. The Pope was correct in implying the Muslim religion is evil.

Muslims upset over the Pope's quote about Muslim violence and evil

and are trying to frighten the West into never saying anything bad about their religion. They are using fear, intimidation and violence to achieve this. Cannot anyone see what is wrong with this and speak out about it? Ah, fear.

We should believe that all Muslims are peace-loving or they will kill us? Huh? Kill me for saying that their religion is a violent one? They kill kids, defenseless nuns, women and men. Don't they have a life other than killing? Can't they create anything like art, music, more mathematics and so on?

Muslim actions speak louder than their words about violence and the Prophet Muhammad. If Muhammad preached non-violence then why are so many Muslims killing in the name of the Prophet Muhammad?

Would the Prophet Muhammad approve and sanction the beating to death a woman who was a nun in the Catholic Church? Then why did the Muslims do this atrocity and others in his name?

Saturday, September 16, 2006

What is wrong with pornography?

Not a thing for adults as long as the sex and the actions are not forced. If a man or woman likes exposure of their bodies or sex activity then there is nothing wrong with it.

Who objects? Religions first of all. Regulate sex and you control your flock. Governments next l but I should substitute religion and businesses. America is based on an expanding economy with more and more people as consumers and workers for factories as well as supplicants for religions.

A man or woman masturbating to porn is not likely to get married, have kids, go to church and reward the priests, rabbis and ministers with money for marriage, baptisms and burials. No marriage means no kids. No kids means no workers for factories and consumers for goods.

No wonder the Republican party is against drugs, abortion, prostitution and same-sex marriage. Business will suffer economic losses.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Rape, Muslim law and Pakistan's shame

Image being a woman and getting raped in Pakistan. In order for prosecutors to get a conviction there MUST be at least four, that is 4, men to testify to the rape. As if a rapist is going to invite voyeurs to his rape of a woman.

Shameful. I have no desire to respect the Muslim religon for crap like this. Muslim support of this or silence against it is shameful.

This is the same crap that American justice used in rape cases in this country when it was assumed that the woman was asking for the rape. Up to the 60s it was VERY difficult to prove rape in this country.

No woman should be violated. NO means NO!

Kofi Annan is an ass

and has no business in telling America that we have no business in the far east.

The world and America needs Iranian oil. That is it in a nut shell. That is why we went to war and why we need to win. Iraq fears American control of Iranian oil. It would reduce OPEC's power considerably. China's thirst for oil is another factor.

There are many things I don't like about GWB but I do support his gun control policies and the war in Iraq.

Iraq and Vietnam of my era have a lot in common.

Hezbollah accused of war crimes in Israel

Details here. Why don't these assholes grow up? All they do is kill, kill, kill.

Pit bulls scare the crap out of me. Doberman pinschers ditto. There may be really nice dogs among these breeds but experience says otherwise.

Muslims are close to this same fear factor. I don't see the American Muslims condeming this activity. By their silence they are supporting Hezbollah.

The last dog that frightened me I gut shot as I had the choice of shooting or getting bit. I may hesitate if a Muslim frightens me and I don't frighten easily. I may...

One defination of a coward: a person backed into a corner with no way out. Desperation leads to desperate measures. I do not see where any, and I mean any, Muslims are backed into a corner by Israel. This is crap that the Muslims have done on their own.

It boils down to my god or goddess can beat up on your god or goddess so capitulate to me or else....