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I agree with you. As a recovering Catholic I looked at the history of the Catholic Church and was ashamed to call myself Catholic. I applaud your speaking up.
If we do not remember our history then we will repeat it. Even if it happened MORE than 1000 years ago. The Catholic Church dominated for many years by killing or having 'governments or monarchies' kill for them any opposition.
I also know the Bible well enough to duke it out with the Baptists, no mean feat that!
A little-known fact is that the Church encouraged the killing of children with birth defects such as being a hermaphrodite. I am waiting for two hermaphrodites to attempt to get married. Should we deny marriage to someone born with both male and female genitalia?
"Vatican Condemns Saddam Execution"
I agree with you. As a recovering Catholic I looked at the history of the Catholic Church and was ashamed to call myself Catholic. I applaud your speaking up.
If we do not remember our history then we will repeat it. Even if it happened MORE than 1000 years ago. The Catholic Church dominated for many years by killing or having 'governments or monarchies' kill for them any opposition.
I also know the Bible well enough to duke it out with the Baptists, no mean feat that!
A little-known fact is that the Church encouraged the killing of children with birth defects such as being a hermaphrodite. I am waiting for two hermaphrodites to attempt to get married. Should we deny marriage to someone born with both male and female genitalia?